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A Welcome Message

Identiverse® is the premiere annual conference for the identity security industry. 2022 will be our thirteenth year bringing together the best across industry and enterprise to share insights, synthesize new ideas and advance the state of modern digital identity and security. Our annual, open call for presentations solicits presenters to contribute their ideas, experience, and perspective.

For Identiverse 2022 we have a particular (but not exclusive!) focus on trust.  

Digital Identity provides a platform upon which trust can be built. Existing standards and technologies support minimal data exchange and discrete release; access control and revocation; secure, strong user authentication; flexible and dynamic authorization. Next-generation approaches improve customer experience at the same time as enhancing security and privacy. Techniques are evolving to meet new challenges in areas like identity verification. Opportunities for vendor-neutral professional training and qualification and product certification are increasingly available, helping organisations reduce the risk of these technologies being accidentally or deliberately misused. At Identiverse 2022, we explore how digital identity enables trusted, transformative, safe, and delightful digital experiences.

Identiverse is an inclusive event, and we welcome proposals from anyone who has experience and expertise to contribute. We're always excited to reconnect with alumni, and we welcome new faces to our community. This year's content committee will evaluate proposals on their merit and on their relevance to the conference focus.  Identiverse 2022 will operate primarily as an in-person event, although we’ll retain flexibility to adjust to a blend of virtual and in-person material if circumstances dictate.  We will also consider proposals for potential blog or podcast coverage outside of the main agenda.

Please remember that Identiverse is an industry conference. Our attendees won’t tolerate product pitches or vendor-biased content. We receive more submissions than the agenda can accommodate, so we can’t promise a slot for all submissions—even great ones. But we can guarantee that your presentation can’t be chosen if you don’t submit a proposal!

All presenters will receive a full conference pass as well as access to session video, if recorded, after the event (note that we cannot guarantee to record video of all sessions).

Deadline for Submissions: Friday, January 7, 2022
Decision Notification: no later than Friday, February 18, 2022

For more information about the proposal process, including the information you should have ready before you start submitting your proposal, as well as key dates for the CFP process, please click hereMake sure to read through this carefully, even if you’ve attended or presented in previous years—some of the details have changed.

If you’re interested in presenting at Identiverse, please click ‘Call for presentations’ on the main navigation bar of this website, and complete the details as requested. You’re welcome to submit multiple proposals.

We look forward to seeing your submissions!

Andrew Hindle
Identiverse Content Chair